gam (noun)—“A social meeting of two (or more) Whaleships, generally on a cruising-ground; when, after exchanging hails, they exchange visits by boats’ crews…” (Herman Melville, Moby Dick)
SSCA is known for its GAMs, be they annual events complete with seminar speakers, round tables, an awards banquet and a flea market (as the annual GAM held in late fall in St. Augustine/Melbourne, Florida); an informal raft up of dinghies or a pot luck on the beach. No matter the nature of the GAM, it is a wonderful opportunity to meet new friends, participate in a fruitful discussion on a cruising destination or a new piece of gear, and have a lot of fun.
SSCA has GAMs around the world! Whether it be in Mexico, Micronesia, or the USA, there is no better way to experience the camaraderie and fellowship of SSCA members than in person at an SSCA GAM (gathering). If your cruising schedule can’t accommodate attending one or more, maybe it’s time to
start another GAM in your area! Our Home Base team will be happy to help. We can provide all the elements you need to start your own cruising tradition.