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HomeMember of the Year Winners

Past Member of the Year Award Recipients

2019 Winners

Joan and Greg Conover, Growltiger

Joan and Greg were recognized for their unceasing volunteer efforts including, but not limited to, coordination of the mini-gam at Hampton, the Annapolis Boat Show booth and the SSCA Cruising Station Host program.

Joan & Greg Conover

Cecilia Dahl and George Cronin, Ring of Kerry

Cecilia and George were recognized for undertaking and managing the 2019 Penobscot Bay Gam and for volunteering to spearhead the partnership development committee and identifying commercial partners this year.

Cecilia Dahl & George Cronin

Eddie and Glenn Tuttle, Tothill

Eddie and Glenn were recognized for their provision of safety services thru KPK and for their organization of additional mini-gam activities, particularly in Marathon, FL this year.

Eddie & Glenn Tuttle

Beth VandeGeijn, Wayward Wind

Beth was recognized for her leadership of this year's Annapolis Gam and for years of contribution to this gam, making it one of the Association's most successful events.

Beth VandeGeijn

2018 Winners

Harry and Melinda Schell,Sea Schell

Volunteer extraordinaires and some of SSCA‘s most loyal and dedicated supporters, the Schells cruised and lived aboard Sea Schell for many, many years exemplifying SSCA’s beliefs. Melinda served on the board of SSCA from 2011-2013 and has served as volunteer coordinator for the Melbourne Gam and gam coordinator for the St. Pete Gam. Harry’s booming infectious laughter kept all smiling and his contributions with technical and destination presentations are legendary. Sadly, we lost Harry this year very unexpectedly.

In recognition of their varied, long-time SSCA contributions, the Board voted unanimously to honor them by re-naming this award after them. They are among the first of the award recipients for this year.

Thom Unger,Baggywrinkle

With Melinda’s endorsement, this year’s co-recipient is Thom Unger, SSCA Corresponding Secretary. Thom voluntarily took on the monumental task of first acquiring, then evaluating, then reformatting the entire membership database so that it could be uploaded to the new website. This took months of work while interfacing with developers of the old site in the UK, all on his own time. The success of our new website is in no small part due to his efforts.

2014 - Phil Johnson, Flipper

Phil Johnson, Flipper, was nominated by the SSCA Board of Directors for his efforts on lobbying on behalf of Cruisers’ Rights. As Chair of the Concerned Cruisers Committee, Phil’s tireless advocacy of cruisers' rights from New England to Florida and beyond has been of great benefit to all boaters. SSCA’s Board salutes his thoughtful, professional and successful approach, whether the issue is anchoring rights, over-aggressive marine policing, or mooring field management.

2013 - Joan Conover, Growltiger

for exemplifying the traditions of SSCA and for her dedication not only to the membership, but to humanity, evidenced by her work with coordinating relief efforts to Haiti.

Joan was instrumental in getting countless boats, including 12 Conch Republic Navy boats, safely to Haiti to deliver aid. She tirelessly coordinated routing and weather information. She acted as a communication liaison, tracked all vessels, found safe delivery areas for the boats and provided them with needed points of contact. At the same time, Joan rallied the help of various SSCA Cruising Stations to help in this effort. She put together important packets of information for each boat, including charts of the area, cruising information for the area, points of contact, etc. She even sewed Haiti courtesy flags for the boats when none could be found commercially. Joan assisted a little girl with severe eye damage by getting her medical treatment at a Rotary hospital. She also helped (and continues to help) a burn victim

The SSCA is proud to acknowledge the following Partner Sponsors


411 Walnut Street #17000
Green Cove Springs, FL 32043-3443
Phone: (754) 702-5068