SSCA SSU FREE Webinar--Boaters' Rights Advocacy: Anchoring in Georgia
Full recording of webinar given on December 28, 2020 by Ted Arisaka, James Newsome and Kingsley Ross.
Seven Seas Cruising Association monitors 30 states across the US and works with three other organizations - America’s Great Loop Cruisers’ Association; DeFever Cruisers; Marine Trawler Owners Association – to preserve our rights. This webinar covers some of the issues being faced today by cruisers as they anchor and navigate our waterways. Specifically,
the webinar will cover the State of Georgia's legislative efforts to control the waterways in their state. PanelistsTed Arisaka and James H. Newsome will discuss what the current state regulatory situation is, what has been successfully influenced in the past year, and what will be needed in the future to support citizens' rights to transit public waterways such as
the Inter Coastal Waterway (ICW).